We are bombarded with reasons to be scared each and every time we visit our doctor.
We are told 'You have to have this invasive test because early detection
is your best defense.'
That tells us that we have no control over our health and that we are bound to get sick.
I think that's wrong.
Wouldn't people feel better knowing how to take better care of themselves so they remain healthy and not have to be afraid of the 'inevitable' disease? ...
Victoria G., E. Bridgewater MA
Each year the U.S. spends $4 billion on follow-up tests
(repeat mammograms, ultrasounds, and needle biopsies)
and treatments (mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation)
that result from inaccurate mammograms.
Kenneth D. Mandl MD, Harvard Medical School 2
University of Toronto epidemiologists published the results of their study
on large-scale mammogram screening.
They found that monthly breast self-examination, coupled with
annual clinical breast examination by a trained health care professional,
is at least as effective as mammography in detecting early tumors
and without the radiation risks.
Epstein, Bertell, & Seaman 3
I have been using (European) regulation thermography to test breast health
in my clinic for over 20 years. I never use mammography first.
I always use thermography and then I use mammography only if I need to.
Thomas Rau MD, 2007, author of bestseller The Swiss Secret to Optimum Health
To the chagrin of conventional medical doctors, the question of whether
European thermography can replace an annual mammogram
comes down to personal preference.
Jackie Bell
Jackie Bell’s European thermography gave me back my health care power.
I learned what I needed to work on and experienced a real shift with terrific results demonstrated in a follow-up visit six months later.
So is European thermography the best thing since sliced bread? Just might be.
It certainly was the missing link in my health care. It’s given me back the confidence
that I can do right for myself without meds and high-tech.
Debra Stark, Concord MA, author of
If Kallimos Had a Chef, Natural Recipes for a Natural World
... You bring a much needed tool to people who want to be in charge of their health and well-being. And you do it in a way that makes me feel empowered and not afraid.
Thank you for that.
Victoria G., E. Bridgewater MA