EU Thermography Appointments with Jackie Bell in Hanover
Schedule your Thermography appointment with Jackie by choosing the appropriate appointment below. Once you are scheduled, we will email you an appointment confirmation with details, including important Test Preparations and intake forms.
Please note that due to Jackie's limited schedule, all new clients must be tested by Jackie's technician, Francesca (Frankie) Whalin, for their initial Thermography appointment. Schedule your first appointment here. Frankie will do the test and your consultation with Jackie to review the results will be by video conference or phone.
For returning clients, if there are no appointments available with Jackie in the month you would like, you can schedule your Thermography test with her technician and then have your consultation with Jackie by Zoom or by phone. You can also Contact Us to be added to her cancellation/wait list.
To change/reschedule or cancel your appointment, locate your appointment confirmation email, scroll down to the bottom of it, and you will see buttons to click on.
Contact Us if you would like assistance. We are happy to help you.